The Kang family with Great Grandmaster Won Kuk Lee, the original founder of Taekwondo, 1978

Grandmaster Kang at age 13, running his first school, November 1975

Great Grandmaster Suh Chong Kang when he was president of the ATA (American Taekwondo Association) standing next to the vice president and founder of the ATA, Haeng Ung Lee, early 1970s

The Kang family

Great Grandmaster Suh Chong Kang In front of the Chung Do Kwan (the first Taekwondo school in Korea) May 26, 1946

Great Grandmaster Suh Chong Kang

Great Grandmaster Suh Chong Kang and his instructor Great Grandmaster Won Kuk Lee

Kang Family, 1971

Grandmaster Kang with his older brothers, 1974

Grandmaster receives 10th Dan from Great Grandmaster Suh Chong Kang

Grandmaster's induction to the TKD Hall of Fame in Munich, 2024